Free Second Opinions On Pest Control

Need a second opinion? Give us a call!

We are happy to provide a free second opinion to ensure that you have an accurate diagnosis on pest damage and control methods.

With over 900,000 different species of insects in the world, we are happy to provide the knowledge and experience needed to accurately diagnose the damage caused by pests and what methods should be used to permanantly remove them from your home. If you are questioning what someone advised you, we are happy to hear what pests you are having issues with or what the damage is and help you figure out what your best options are. We offer both residential and commercial pest control services in and around Camden, SC. We are experts in controling and exterminating insects and rodents that prove to be a pest to humans, homes and crops.

See our service areas in South Carolina.

We offer free second opinions for the following services:

If you need a second opinion, give us a call today.